Focus on your core SaaS offering, not reinventing the wheel.
SaaSykit is a SaaS starter kit (boilerplate) that comes packed with all components required to run a modern SaaS software.
SaaSykit is built using the beautiful Laravel framework TALL and offers an intuitive Filament admin panel that houses all the pre-built components like product, plans, discounts, payment providers, email providers, transactions, blog, user & role management, and much more.
SaaSykit is developer-friendly, uses best coding practices, comes with an ever-growing automated tests that cover the critical components that it offers.
Features in a nutshell
- Multiple payment providers: Stripe, Paddle, and Lemon Squeezy support out of the box.
- Customize Styles: Customize the styles & colors, error page of your application to fit your brand.
- Product, Plans & Pricing: Create and manage your products, plans, and pricing from a beautiful and easy-to-use admin panel.
- Beautiful checkout process: Your customers can subscribe to your plans from a beautiful checkout process.
- Huge list of ready-to-use components: Plans & Pricing, hero section, features section, testimonials, FAQ, Call to action, tab slider, and much more.
- User authentication: Comes with user authentication out of the box, whether classic email/password or social login (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, LinkedIn, and more).
- Discounts: Create and manage your discounts to reward your customers.
- SaaS metric stats: View your MRR, Churn rates, ARPU, and other SaaS metrics.
- Multiple email providers: Mailgun, Postmark, Amazon SES, and more coming soon.
- Blog: Create and manage your blog posts.
- User & Role Management: Create and manage your users and roles, and assign permissions to your users.
- Fully translatable: Translate your application to any language you want.
- Sitemap & SEO: Sitemap and SEO optimization out of the box.
- Admin Panel: Manage your SaaS application from a beautiful admin panel powered by FilamentPHP.
- User Dashboard: Your customers can manage their subscriptions, change payment method, upgrade plan, cancel subscription, and more from a beautiful user dashboard powered by FilamentPHP.
- Automated Tests: Comes with automated tests for critical components of the application.
- One-line deployment: Provision your server and deploy your application easily with integrated PHP Deloyer support.
- Developer-friendly: Built with developers in mind, uses best coding practices.
- And much more...