MyCLI: A MySQL CLI with Auto-completion and Syntax Highlighting
Published on by Paul Redmond
If you use the MySQL command line tool, but also like things like auto-completion and syntax highlighting, you should check out mycli.
According to the project’s website, “mycli is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.”
Image Credit:To get started you can install the tool with PIP, or if you’re on Mac, you can install it with Homebrew:
# You might need sudopip install mycli # Or with Brew on OS Xbrew install mycli
The source code of MyCLI is Python, and you can check it out on GitHub at dbcli/mycli. Under the hood, I found that mycli uses an interesting Python library called prompt_toolkit, which is a library for building interactive command line applications with Python.
The author Thomas Roten has released other similar CLI tools like pgcli for PostgreSQL and litecli for SQLite. You can find the collection of them at