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Laravel 11 is now released!

Laravel 11 is now released, including a minimum PHP v8.2, a new Laravel Reverb package, streamlined directory structure, and more

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Laravel 11 streamlined configuration files

Understand how the new Laravel 11 streamlined config works

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New Laravel 11 Apps Include a Health Check Endpoint

As part of the release of Laravel 11, new applications include a health `/up` endpoint.

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The once() Memoization Helper is Coming to Laravel 11

The once() memoization is coming to Laravel 11 next week. Learn about this unique helper and how it can make sure you get the same result no matter ho...

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Model Casts are moving to methods in Laravel 11

Laravel 11 moves the Model Casts from a property to a method

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Laravel 11 Introduces the Dumpable Trait

Laravel 11 introduces the Dumpable trait to internally clean up code around dump() and dd(). You can also easily add these to your application and pac...

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Dive into the Streamlined Directory Structure in Laravel 11

Let's compare the big changes between the directory structure in Laravel 10 and Laravel 11.

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Eager Load Limit is Coming to Laravel 11

Laravel 11 will include native support for Jonas Staudenmeir's popular eager-load-limit package. Learn now you can limit the number of eager loaded re...

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